For some purely fabricated reason,  possibly by false urgency created by society and technology, I get in terrible rushes. This mostly happens when I am queuing up my social media posts.

I will be looking through Feedly and finding really neat articles that I relate to and want to repost.  Somewhere after an article or two I suddenly feel pressed for time. I frantically look at the blog title and scan the article. Then I end up just racing to the bolded text and hurry and queue them up…with my heart racing that I did this is a few minutes.

Later if someone likes the article and wants to talk about it…I only have superficial knowledge if any knowledge on the article…which is embarrassing.

After a recent episode like this I stopped and thought to myself, “What’s the point of doing this if I only rush and nothing good comes of it?” Also, “Why am I in such a hurry?”

Will I be a failure if I don’t hurry and repost a bunch of stuff? Why not spend more time on my own blog?

The Web already has a plethora of ‘stuff’. So I have concluded that if I want any publicity I should make my own content and worry about that, and make that content of good quality that I and others would care to read it.

Are you caught in the hamster wheel of reposting content?